Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

On my way to work 3

There is more wild life in the city than one might think. The little feller on these pictures was not too happy to see me. First I thought it was an exotic mouse that had been held as a pet and then set free. After some googling, however, I would say he (or she?) is a young wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus). These mice are quite fast and can jump impressively high with their long hind legs. I hope it is still alive and makes itself comfortable in the park.

Location: A park in Berlin, Germany

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Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

On my way to work 2

Another lovely day. I had some time to watch mother goose with her three children, although it seemed that she was watching me even harder. There was an unvisible barrier I was not to cross without her starting to hiss. I didn´t want to bother them, so I just sat on a bench and had a look from there. Nice offspring  you have there, mother goose. Oh - and by the way: Can you see all the sycamore tree pollen sticking on the little ones?

Location: Park in Berlin, Germany

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Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

On my way to work 1

Nice as it may be on my balcony there comes the time to leave for work. Which is o.k., I don´t mind that. Normally I ride my bike to the office. It takes me about half an hour. Part of my way is kind of exhausting as there is a lot of traffic, but the other part is really nice because I can pedal through one of Berlin´s nice parks. When I manage to leave early enough I can see rabbits hobble over the lawn and wild geese taking their little ones for a walk. During the last days I often had the feeling to bike through a summer snow storm. I think these are the airborne pollens of sycamore trees. It looks nice but beware of swallowing them - they get stuck in your throat and make you cough.

Sycamore tree pollen lying on the ground in one of Berlin´s Parks

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Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

Blossoms 6

Another hot day in Berlin. Almost no clouds in the sky - great to visit one of the many lakes in the surroundings of Berlin. If you don´t have to work that is. In case you have to sit in an office call it a day and relax in a Biergarten (beer garden - a thing you´ll only find in Germany) or on your balcony. Which brings me to my picture of the day. I am happy to introduce Gypsophila paniculata or - as it is called in English - baby´s breath. This delicate beauty decorates my balcony since three years and gets prettier every season.
For accompanying music to this picture you might want to check out this Japanese pop song called Baby´s Breath: Enjoy.

Location: My balcony in Berlin, Germany

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Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Blossoms 5

It is very hot and sunny today - summer feeling. Every morning these lovely flowers greet me on my balcony. They are called sea thrift (Armeria maritima ssp purpurea) and don´t need a lot of care. They can even be kept in their regular planters over the winter. They start to bloom in April or May until the middle of June. After a small break they start blooming again by the end of August or the beginning of September. Every two years I divide them and give half of them to people who need fresh plants for their gardens or balconies. I like the idea that sea thrift coming from my balcony spreads out all over Germany.

Location: My balcony in Berlin, Germany

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Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Blossoms 4

Spring is almost over. A last picture of a blooming cherry tree to say good-bye to a cold and wet spring. Nevertheless, as always I was overwhelmed by all the flowers that appeared all of a sudden. I think I could never live in a country where it is always summer. I would definitely miss the change of seasons.

Location: Upper Franconia, Germany

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Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Blossoms 3

Another grey spring day. Who switched off the sun? It doesn´t help to complain, though. Make the best of it and have a look at a warm and sunny photo of dandelions. Although most people would say that dandelions are a nuisance I really like them. First they show a brilliant yellow flower which then converts into a delicate, feathery, white ball. What more can you expect?

Location: Meadow in Upper Franconia, Germany

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Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

Blossoms 2

Today it is almost as cold and rainy as it was during my weekend in the countryside. While I am writing this, dark, grey clouds block the sun light and it looks more like autumn than spring. Quite depressing. But I simply know that the weather will get better - after all, it´s May and not November.

Location: Upper Fraconia, Germany

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Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

Blossoms 1

Enough of dark undercrossings. It is time to celebrate spring, green leaves and blossoms. I spent a weekend in the country side. Although it had been cold, windy and cloudy I ignored the weather and took photographs anyway. The sun might be missing in these pictures, but the blossoms put up a brave front.

Location: Oberfranken (Upper Franconia), Germany

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Montag, 14. Mai 2012

Undercrossings 4

Undercrossings can be quite inspiring. I tried the multiple exposure button on my camera and played with it to create new spaces that only exit as a photo. And I wasn´t afraid to turn the picture upside down because I liked it much more that way. Creepy result, isn´t it?

Location: Undercrossing in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

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Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

Undercrossings 3

This is an undercrossing with an exceptionally low ceiling. However, I like the tiles. Their colour is cleaming in shades from turquoise to green to violette and pink. Really nice. I took a series of photos in the evening. As this undercrossing is also the entrance to a subway station quite a few people crossed my way. They were all weary with working all day and quite bad-tempered. For them I was just a nuisance blocking their way into leisure time. I don´t blame them - it was Monday evening and almost the whole, tiring working week lay still before them.

Location: Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany (U-Bhf. Moritzplatz)

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Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Undercrossing 2

One of the most famous undercrossings of Berlin. You might even find it in your Berlin City Guide - not only as an undercrossing but also as a favourite training location for skaters and dirt bikers.

Location: Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany

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Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Undercrossings 1

Somehow the creepy charme of undercrossings appeals to me, so I made a series of photos covering the topic.

Location: Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany

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Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012


Time to plant herbs on your balcony to pimp your meals.

Location: Window sill of a Berlin kittchen.

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Montag, 7. Mai 2012


And a depressing, rainy Monday in the city.

Location: Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany

Translation of the graffiti: All people are shit.

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A rainy day in spring out in the countryside.

Location: Fichtelgebirge, Germany

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Freitag, 4. Mai 2012


Strange lifelines are lurching their ways through Berlin.

Location: Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany

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Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012


You don´t have to go through every door.

Location: Building in Neukölln, Berlin.

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Finally - spring flowers for everyone!

Location: A private home in Berlin, Germany

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The charm of the Seventies.

Location: Bathroom in Hannover, Germany.

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Sun beaming through the curtains of my hotel room.

Location: Hotel room in Hannover, Germany

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Approach your habitat through the eye of a camera and pay attention to things you normally run past without looking..

Location: Berlin, Kreuzberg

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